Retrospect and Prospect

Jahresrückblick 2023 Ausblick 2024

Dear friends,

On the first day of the new year it is time for a brief review and outlook.

We would like to thank you all for a very nice and joyful 2023. Last year there was so much for which we are grateful and what makes us happy: many beautiful and eventful evenings, your numerous visits and of course also for the freedom to meet your needs without restrictions to be able to live out life and run a club like Avarus, which would be unthinkable in many parts of the world.

We are proud that so many people take their first steps into the swinging world with us. We are grateful for the trust placed in us, because the first step is usually the most exciting.

The list could go on, but we can’t leave one important point unmentioned in the gratitude list: our team, whose tireless efforts make Avarus what it is!

So we are looking forward to the new year 2024 full of optimism. We wish you all happiness, health, joy and, above all, that all your wishes come true! And of course, unforgettable nights…

Sending you warm greetings
Your Avarus team